10415 172nd St. E., Hangar A1
Puyallup, WA 98374
office (253)770-9964
or (253)770-0120
email: avstarair@att.net
Are there any STC's for installing a turbo on a IO 360 in a 1978 Beechcraft Sierra B24R?
My research has shown that there are no STC's applicable to that installation. I called the current holder of all the Rajay STC's; they do not list one for that aircraft.
There are, however a few turbo STCs for other IO360 Lyc installations. There is a potential one could get an as-removed kit from another aircraft type, and adapt it to your aircraft under field approval process, but be prepared for a lot of water to pass under the bridge first. My recommended procedure would be to locate a "dormant" set-up. (I say dormant, because you don't necessarily want to purchase it unless you get the approval; if someone has one and is actively trying to sell it, your work may be for naught.) You (and/or your IA) would have to come up with installation details, flight manual supplement, etc., as part of the pre-approval process. Then your local Feds would most likely have to get with the engineers at the ACO for final approval.
Incidentally, this is the kind of challenge I like!
Good luck, and let me know if you do it.
Gear Green,