10415 172nd St. E., Hangar A1
Puyallup, WA 98374
office (253)770-9964
or (253)770-0120
email: avstarair@att.net
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A bird, exact species unknown, was on a suicide mission. Results: caved in nose bowl and upper left cowl door.
Engine had approximately 1500 hours on it, the owner decided it was time for an overhaul while the aircraft was in the shop.
Engine removed. Turns out, the bigger mess was inside the nacelle. If it looks like it's not a normal J35 up front, that's because the engine is supplemented with dual turbochargers.
New nose bowl is fit and installed, nacelle has been stripped, cleaned, and prepped for paint.
Next, we had the inside of the nacelle painted. After the engine was back in, the outside was painted to match the original scheme.
A somewhat cleaner installation and new nosebowl show marked improvements over first photo.
Finishing touches included a polished and clear-coated battery box, all new baffle seal, and of course, the Millennium engine overhaul by Eagle Engines, in Redding CA.