10415 172nd St. E., Hangar A1
Puyallup, WA 98374
office (253)770-9964
or (253)770-0120
email: avstarair@att.net
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Cessna built a very capable aircraft with the 207 airframe, but there are a few things that could use some help.
Enhancing the airflow over the wings will be done in three steps. The first will be installation of the Sportsman STOL re-curved leading edge. The support for the new skins are actually foam blocks that are carefully located then bonded to the original skins.
After the nose blocks are cured, the skins are fit and pulled into position, attaching holes for the rivets are located, drilled and de-burred. Then they are bonded to the blocks and blind-riveted to the wing
Step two is the installation of the RMD cambered wingtips with recognition lighting. Aircraft was sent out for paint touch-up as needed.
The third airflow enhancement (vortex generators) will likely happen when the aircraft receives an over-all corrosion control, probably in a year or two. I think the 'ol girl looks pretty good right now.
The transformation is started in part 1, the heart of the matter.